Pomegranates may seem intimidating with their thick skin and thick outer layer, but once you learn how to eat pomegranate fruit and master the technique for extracting the juicy, red seeds, they’re quick and easy to enjoy. These versatile seeds add a burst of flavor, crunch, and vibrant color to salads, roasted vegetables, and smoothies, making your meals both delicious and visually appealing.
Place the pomegranate with the ends of the fruit facing out on the side, not up and down. Slice the pomegranate in half.
Take a half and begin to loosen the pulp from edges and the seeds with your hands.
Turn the half piece over a bowl and hit the outer rind with a heavy wooden spoon. A good portion of the seeds will have loosened up and fall right into the bowl.
Break the remainder of the rind and pulp apart with your hands to pluck out the remaining seeds. Repeat with the second half of the fruit.
Roll the pomegranate on the counter with the palm of your hand to help loosen the seeds from the fruit's membrane and peel.
When whacking the seeds with a large spoon, place a large bowl in the kitchen sink to catch your seeds in order to prevent a mess. This provides a better angle to hit the fruit from.
Pomegranate juice stains fabrics, so use a paper towel to clean surfaces to avoid getting it onto clothing.
Not only is this snack yummy, it also provides amazing nutrients and health benefits, including being a powerful antioxidant and providing vitamin c, vitamin k as well as potentially lowering the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.