Answers to your questions about the Pip and Ebby Instant Pot Masterclass!
What is the investment for the IP Masterclass?
When purchased between 9/15/20 and 9/18/20, one-time payment of $24.47 will give you access to:
- 7 easy-to-digest videos that walk you through getting to know your Instant Pot + 10 recipe videos that cover the recipe basics ($24.97 value)
- Guide for Converting Regular Recipes to Instant Pot Recipes ($4.97 value)
- Instant Pot Cook Times Cheat Sheet ($4.97 value)
- Ebook: 60+ Instant Pot Recipes That Will Transform Your Time in the Kitchen ($13.97 value)
Starting on 9/19/20, the bonuses will disappear. All videos will still be available for $24.97.
How long are the videos available and do I have to watch them in a specific order?
Once you purchase the videos, THEY ARE YOURS! You can watch them in any order, as many times as you need and they will be available forever. No strings attached!
Will these videos help me to no longer be afraid of my Instant Pot?
Yes! After consuming all of the above information, you’ll have newly-found confidence to use your IP in a whole new way. No more pressure cooking fears!
Will you teach me how to cook frozen chicken in my Instant Pot?
Yes! Definitely! There is an instructional video in the series that walks you through how to do this.
I want to learn how to keep desserts from taking on odors/tastes from previously cooked meals!
Good news because this is covered in the masterclass! Hint: it has to do with the Instant Pot sealing ring.
Does the masterclass cover quick release vs. natural release methods?
Yes it does and once you learn about them, you will wonder why these terms ever confused you in the first place!
What exactly can the Instant Pot do? I’m not exactly sure what it is capable of!
I felt the same way prior to using my Instant Pot, so I completely understand this question. Now, nearly 100 unique recipes later, I can tell you that the Instant Pot can do SO MUCH. I really had no idea what could be done until I started diving in.
The Instant Pot can make anything from corn on the cob to chocolate pudding to pork ribs to cake to soups of all varieties to whole chickens to vegetables and so much more! It is seriously a miracle-working machine!
Can you brown and sear meat in the Instant Pot?
Yes! This is one of the things I love so much about the Instant Pot. A variety of cooking methods can be used within the IP, such as browning meat, then pressure cooking it with other ingredients. Another favorite cooking method combo is to sear a roast, then pressure cook it. I always achieve a perfectly even sear within the saute function (we cover this in the IP Masterclass!).
Have other questions specific either to your Instant Pot or to the Pip and Ebby Instant Pot Masterclass? Leave them in the comments!